Integrated Guidance Plan
In 2022, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) implemented a new initiative referred to as Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Guidance for Six ODE Initiatives, requiring Oregon school districts and charter schools to undergo a comprehensive needs assessment and application process to continue receiving funds from six key grants. The intent of the Integrated Guidance initiative is to streamline the grant application process while simultaneously aligning strategies to provide better outcomes for students. The six grants that are a part of the initiative include:
High School Success (HSS) is focused on improvement of graduation rates as well as career and college readiness.
Student Investment Account (SIA) is focused on reducing academic disparities while increasing academic achievement and meeting the mental and behavioral health needs of students.
Continuous Improvement Planning (CIP) is focused on continuous improvement of educational opportunities.
Career and Technical Education (CTE/Perkins) is focused on development of academic knowledge in addition to technical and employability skills for secondary students.
Every Day Matters (EDM) is focused on addressing chronic absenteeism through increased attention on student engagement, school culture, climate and safety, culturally sustaining pedagogy, and family and community involvement.
Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS) is focused on creating and supporting cohesive systems of data collection and analysis, interventions, and supports.

Culver School District #4
412 W E Street Culver, OR 97734 |
PO Box 259 Culver, OR 97734 |
Phone: 541.546.2541 | Fax: 541.546.7517 |
Culver School District #4 does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, disability, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, veterans’ status, genetic information or age in providing employment, education or access to benefits of education services, activities and programs in accordance with Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and other civil rights or discrimination issues; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and the Americans with Disabilities Act; and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008.
The following person has been designated as a contact regarding these legal requirements and may be contacted for additional information and/or compliance issues: Barbara Garland, Special Education and Title Programs Director, (541)-546-2541